I finally found the time to update my blog. Going back to work has been tiring. I'm still adjusting myself to waking up early in the morning, driving through the massive traffic jam, office bound the whole day and coming home tired.
Everyday after work, I only manage to maintain my usual FB applications (Cafe World, Farm Ville, Ponzi and Hotel City), read my current bedtime book (Percy Jackson and The Sea of Monsters) and then enter Slumber land.
Finally weekend came and I thought I could get more sleep and laze around the house. Well, no. I went and got myself hooked to my PSP. Never before was I so hooked to a game.
My current addiction -
The objective of this game is to defend and control the field using a diverse selection of upgradeable towers in a limitless adventure, using a wide array of tactics and strategies against countless waves of unique land and air combatants.
I started playing this game on Saturday morning and I was hooked BIG TIME! Once I started, I just can't stop. It's not like it's a new game or anything like that. I've had this game in my PSP since I got it last November and I've never even bothered to check it out till yesterday.
I ended up having my PSP with me wherever I go throughout the whole day. On my way out for lunch with my hubby, I played. After finishing my lunch, I played while my hubby finishes his. I played all the way from our lunch spot to my usual hairdresser in Kelana Jaya. I tried playing while getting my hair washed and cut. I played throughout the journey from Kelana Jaya to Sri Rampai to get my car tires changed. I played while waiting for my car tires to be changed. I played throughout my journey home. I played while resting and having dinner at home (my hubby cooked coz I was too busy playing with my PSP).

I played on my way to the cinema in IOI Mall, while walking up to the cinema, while waiting for my hubby to buy drinks and while waiting for my brother and his girlfriend to arrive. I even played while walking in to the cinema and while waiting for the Cinema Ads to be turned on! On my way home I continued playing and still playing when my hubby's already fast asleep. I finally stopped at 4am!! MADNESS!!!
And guess what? After all that... I'm still stuck in the first map trying to survive 100 rounds!
I tried everything but my highest achievement was to survive only 58 rounds. So frustrating!!
So just now, during tea session with my brother and friend, I asked them about it and then discovered that I've got my strategy all wrong! My brother had to take out his iPod Touch and show me. No wonder....DUH!
After posting this, I'm going to sleep. I'll make sure I conquer this map after coming home from work tomorrow.