Monday, May 15, 2017

Social Media Fraud Alert!! (Part 4 - The Finale)

Before you go any further and in case you missed the previous parts of this story, these are the links to the previous parts...

Part 1  /  Part 2  / Part 3

If you have been following this story and is up to date on what has been happening, you can now proceed. This is the grand finale to this story...

Once again I didn't expect that I would have enough contents to have Part 4. A few hours after Part 3 was published, the following came in...

The GIF image was a bit unexpected... but it does look like flowers over a grave. So creepy! At this point, I was beginning to get bored with his text messages and even felt lazy to respond. 

My husband even got tired of this and asked me to stop responding to him. My brother and a few friends were also worried of my safety and asked me to stop playing with him as it is to my disadvantage because he knows how I look but I have no idea the real face behind that handsome profile picture. I do think that they are right but I need to end this in style.

2 days later, he sent an early morning text and then followed by an audio file. I was so afraid to open it by myself, so I waited until I've reached the office and played the audio file in the presence of my colleagues.

Click on the following link to hear what he actually sent me...

This was the most cringe moment I have ever experienced. I didn't even have to wait until it reaches the chorus to stop the audio file. It's so cheesy!! Michael Learns To Rock? Really?!

And yes, I decided to lie about being in Seoul, Korea just to avoid him for awhile and have an excuse not to respond to him. That photo was a genuine photo I took in Korea but not in Seoul but in Busan... last year.

Then he asked for a photo with me in it... so to make it more believable, I sent one of my Busan trip's photo that has Korean signboards in the background. I also sent another photo with my husband in it and to make sure it looks legit, I chose a photo from my Seoul trip but wearing the same shirt.

And after that last Hello, I actually blocked him out for awhile.

And today I decided it's time for the grand finale... 

And if you noticed, the profile picture in the top corner of this screenshot has gone missing. I think he blocked me out after the last double blue tick you see in the above screenshot.

And this is the end to this story.

Once again, ladies... please be very careful who you befriend with. Don't be friends with random strangers whose real face you have never seen in your life. Don't ever let these scammers think that women are such an easy prey.

Saturday, May 6, 2017

Social Media Fraud Alert!! (Part 3)

It's been 2 weeks since my last post and a few of my friends have been constantly asking me about Part 3. I didn't expect that there would be a Part 3 because it all depended on the text messages. So when I published Part 1 and Part 2, I thought he would somehow get to know about it and all the crazy text messages would stop. 

But crazy enough, they did not... so let Part 3 begin!

As mentioned at the end of Part 2, I sent him a test message to see if he will respond...

The tone of the messages sounded really different from his previous ones. So I thought he's brushing me off already. But then the next day came... so did the messages.

I was indeed outstation for work. But his messages was not really making sense and that day's messages just ended like that. Then it started again on the following day.

Romantic message that can only be sent via email? Sounds more like a virus loaded email to me... And then, the tlc messages started again (In case you're wondering... tlc means tender, loving, care). So the day ended with me sending another test message.

By now it has become a bit of a bore because he's no longer following the usual time pattern and his messages always stopped abruptly.

The messages that came the following day was a bit more interesting...

My reply messages in the beginning was a bit blunt coz I was really busy and tired with work. Part of me just wanted to stop all this bulls**t messages but another part of me wanted to see how long this could go on.

So after this part of the message, I decided to test his Korean language since he mentioned in Part 1 that he was still learning the language.

Learning a language via Google Translate? He seriously expect me to believe that?

After that incident, it went quiet for a full day. Since I needed content for my Part 3 post, I decided to text him first...

The messages were so short and cold. So I thought he's lost interest and left it as that. However, the next day I was woken up by my phone ringing. When I reached for my phone to see who was calling me, I saw this... 

Instead of picking up the call, I just decided to ignore it till the ringing stopped on its own. And when I did not answer the call, it just ended as that. No messages came in after that nor days after. I too made no attempt to trigger anymore messages because it was becoming pretty boring.

And just when I thought I would conclude this whole story with Part 3... this came in today...

And the messages ended here for now. But if the messages do continue days later, I do have a plan up my sleeves. Let's just wait and see.

If any of you have any comment of any sort after reading the whole story, please feel free to leave me a comment.

Sunday, April 23, 2017

Social Media Fraud Alert!! (Part 2)

Have you read Part 1? If not, please read it before you continue with Part 2.

If you're done let's continue...

On the same evening as I was on my way home, a mutual friend and also my ex-colleague, called me to ask if I knew this person whom I recently added as a friend on my Facebook. I went on to ask her if she sent him a friend request first (as he claimed in the text in Part 1) or vice versa. She confirmed that he sent her a friend request first and she accepted seeing they had mutual friends as well. She even told me the he tried to call her twice the night before but she did not answer the call. I told her that he was a scam and asked her to unfriend him. By this time I was really determined to expose him on my blog.

I wanted to check if the fish was still on the hook after all that geography and musical scare... so I sent him a test message...

The fish is still on the hook!

Right after this part of the text message, I opened my laptop and started my search for the real owner of that face because I'm 100% sure the face belonged to someone else. I did a search on Google Images using his profile picture...

The ever dependable Mr Google came back with some results and when I checked each search result, I found a LinkedIn profile...

I continued my search to see if this face really belonged to this Kenneth Ang... I went back to Facebook to search for a Kenneth Ang and I found him! The face REALLY belonged to this Kenneth Ang, who is also the Founder of the New Shanghai Group.

While going through his FB profile, I noticed that this Kenneth Ang and I have a mutual friend. So I texted this friend of mine to validate his identity and he confirmed that this Kenneth Ang was the real McCoy. Since he was such a successful businessman, I looked him up on YouTube too.

Let me present to you the owner of that handsome face, Mr Kenneth Ang:

I also found out from my friend that this was not the first time his face was being used by scammers. In fact, apart from the profile I showed you in Part 1, this unfortunate guy's face had been used MANY times...

So, people... please check your Facebook account again and see if you have any one of the above in your Friends List. If you do, I'm sure you know what to do. I'm not sure if the person behind all these fake profiles are the same or a syndicate. Please be very careful and do not accept Friend Requests from strangers... even if you have mutual friends. It would be like giving you house keys to a thief.

And for you Mr Kenneth Ang (if you're reading this), I would suggest you lock your Facebook account and confine it within the view of your family and friends to avoid further damage to your handsome face.

The story didn't end there... the episode continued the next day...

By this time, I already know the real owner of that Profile Photo. And if you noticed, his command in English has changed too. After some casual talk, I decided to throw him the carrot...

Whoah... Talk about desperate!! That escalated fast. I've heard of love at first sight... But love at first text? Seriously?? Now wait for it....

THERE!! The key sentence appeared! Did you see it? "Am planning to invest in Asian country" part? Yup... it's all about the $$$. Really... there is NO SUCH THING as Love in First Text. If a lady is easily moved by those sweet words, she would have fallen for his trap. I'm sure it would have progressed to him asking to bank in money into his account.

So ladies... once again I would like to stress my point to you about befriending strangers... especially the ones with handsome/pretty faces. These scammers will always start by being friendly, then caring, then sweet and so on. If you're lonely or emotionally wounded, please make friends with people around you and talk to your family. Please don't turn to social media for a solution to your problem. There are many bad people out there!

On a side note... while I was having the above chat with scammer number 1, a second contestant came in...

To protect my mutual friend's identity, I had to delete out her name. I texted my friend to check if she knew this person. She told me that he was a friend's friend and asked me to ignore this request because he is indeed a scam.
Real people with pretty faces, successful and rich will never send random Friend Request to people they do not know nor seen before!
The conversation ended there when I came home to post Part 1. As I was drafting this Part 2, I texted him to see if he would respond. If I didn't get any response from him, then I'm pretty sure that he's aware of my post.

One and a half hour later... he responded. Let's see if he is really dumb enough for me to have a Part 3 to this story.

Thanks for your time to read this. Please help me to share it with your friends to warn as many people as we can.

Saturday, April 22, 2017

Social Media Fraud Alert!! (Part 1)

The purpose of my post is to warn people about a fraud that I have recently encountered. However, I think he is the unlucky one to have picked the wrong person... ME!

On Tuesday (18 April 2017) morning, I received an FB Friend Request from a stranger. And when I receive such requests I would usually click into his profile to see more details and it looked like this...

I also noticed that he had common friends with me, a few of my ex-colleagues. I usually do not accept people I don't know nor seen before into my Facebook. This time I decided to accept because I saw Incheon, Korea, and I was telling my friend that maybe I could practice my Korean language with him. People... don't be easily deceived by their profile picture. Real people with face like this don't need to do random FB Friend Requests okay.

Immediately after I accepted his Friend Request, he sent me messages via the FB Messenger

Till this point I really thought he wanted to be friends and I was disappointed that I wouldn't be able to brush up my Korean after all... And so the messaging for that day continued like this...

Still sounded dodgy so I did not let my guards down for even a moment. I just wanted to see how far this goes. When I got home after work that day, I even showed my husband the whole chat conversation... so in case some of you are wondering... Yes, my husband is fully aware about this!

Then next day came... the messaging started again.

Whoah... when he asked for my Whatsapp number, I really did hesitate for a long time. But I wanted to reel him in to see what he's got in his little back of tricks... so I gave him my number. (Sorry... I had to blur out my number here.)

And just as expected, whatsapp messages from him came in immediateley.

I'm impressed... he even made it looks legit by using a UK phone number. All my answers to him are true and not made up but was very careful with what I say.

The next day, whatsapp messages came in again like clockwork...

I even included photos to make him think that I'm really interested in this whole conversation with him.

Later that day, the messaging continued...

Wow... up till now, he really sounded like a real caring guy. Sad to say but some girls or ladies could have been easily drawn in with all that attention. Check the "Dear"s and the "Angel"s that he's been using. Those were really my goosebumps moments.

Now the next day was a more exciting day coz you could see the London Bridge Falling Down 😜

Jeng... jeng... jeng.... And so the song begins...

Woohoo!! You're the only one I care for? Because I want your happiness? At that time, I was having lunch with my girl friends and we were having a ball reading this!

Now be ready for the next part... if you're not good with geography, I suggest you have Googlemaps on the standby...

By this time, we were laughing our asses off!! OMG... he didn't do his homework!! So, people.... please don't trust people blindly. Go do some research and the easiest way is to ask Mr Google!!

Then all of a sudden, he announced that he have closed his FB account...

And when I tried to go deeper, he said he had to go take a shower... We translate it as... he need to go do his homework about Musicals.

And by the way, I checked using my FB account, he seemed as though he really closed his FB account. But he actually didn't coz he's still there when we used another FB account to look him up. I think he just blocked me. 😂😂

That's all for Part 1... I'll continue Part 2 tomorrow. Yes... there's more to this. So, stay tuned!

Saturday, February 25, 2017

Office Prank War

It all started with an innocent Facebook photo tag to my fellow colleagues 😇 and this is the infamous photo...

I tagged 8 people (MX, HT, SA, EL, EM, MJ, JK and PT) and posted this photo just before going to sleep a little past midnight and all of them responded to it... two of them actually reacted to it in the middle of the night while I was already in La La Land. Instead of giving Likes 👍 and Hearts ❤ for it, they all united and vowed to get back at me for this Cheese On A Cracker post.

A week after that in December last year, I had to go outstation for work which coincided with the office Christmas party. And while I was slaving myself away in Ipoh, these adorable colleagues of mine (HT, EM, EL, SA and they also recruited SM) came up with a revenge plan during the party.

They had gift exchange during the party and had a lot of leftover gift wrapping papers which they decided to put into creative use. When I came back on the following Monday, they surprised me with a BIG Christmas present...

They gift wrapped my workstation using all the leftover gift wrapping paper!!😱

They even wrapped my chair and my calculator! And the pillow box you see in the photo, it's to make their masterpiece less visible to others. Here's the behind the scene footage...

Then my pay back chance came when HT went to Australia for her week long holiday. EM decided to team up with me to start Project Snow. While most of them were away for the long Christmas and New Year holiday, we brought snow to Bangsar South. However, snow fell only on HT's workstation...

There was even an appearance of Frosty, the snowman! Since there were only two of us, me and EM, we had no manpower for the behind the scene footage. But there was a reaction video...

A post shared by Lim Hoey Teing (@hoey1682) on

After all the giggles, laughter and snow shoveling, we went back to work. Then came lunchtime and we all went out lunch together in my car. I had an appointment to go out to at 4pm, so I packed my stuff and went down to the carpark. And as I was walking towards my car, I was greeted with the sight of this...

At that moment did I realize why they insisted that I drive my car out for lunch... so that they know where I parked my car. And I thought that they were missing from their workstations to attend to some meeting/discussion with the boss but in fact, they were doing this. They even used materials from the earlier prank.

And here's the behind the scene footage...

They even took a team photo 😡... And yes... EM decided to rejoin them for this.
Just look at their happy and accomplished faces!!

So after this, HT and I sat down and evaluated the whole situation. We sensed something was not quite right and soon realized that someone's been sneaky and conveniently played both sides of the field! Here we are "prank"ing our ass off and this little someone was fanning both sides of the flame.

And so they say this was me and HT
We both called a truce planned for our ultimate prank on this Little Miss Sneaky, EM. Soon we found the perfect timing to initiate our master plan... during our week long out of office meeting!

During meetings, we had little teasers like putting rocks into her handbag and laptop bag and also cleaned Lala shells into her handbag. And here she is smiling happily with her rocks...

She thought that was all to our revenge plan and we waited for the grand finale while she was busy presenting her work slides on the last day. We decided to wish her a very Happy Chinese New Year...

During tea break, we made an excuse about packing some stuff back into our cars in order for us to capture her reaction to this...

With this prank, it ended our back-to-back office prank war... for now! What are friends in office for if there are no pranks involved? *wink*

Friday, February 24, 2017

My Lame Joke Collection

The following are NOT created by me and I'm not sure who owns the rights to the following. It was shared to me by various people and I'm just sharing it out here. So, enjoy!

IMPORTANT : To see the answers, highlight the area beside the "Answer :" and it will appear.

1. Why does dogs raises only 1 leg when they piss?

Answer : Because they won't be able to balance if they raise 2 legs.

2.  Which is more noisier? Bread or coffee?

Answer : Bread. Because Breadtalk and Kopitiam

3.  When it's alive, we sing and when it dies, we clap. What is that?

Answer : Birthday Candle


4.  What goes in triangle in shape but comes out all rolled up?

Answer : Your underwear!

5.  Which is the darkest coin?

Answer : 50 cent


6.  Why did Tigger look into the toilet bowl?

Answer : To look for Pooh


7. What is the main thing found in a house belonging to a Fern? 

Answer : Ferniture


8. What did one hat say to the other hat?

Answer : You stay here. I'll go on a head.


9. What has 4 wheels and flies?

Answer : A garbage truck


10. What do you call a bear with no teeth?

Answer : A gummy bear

Monday, February 13, 2017


Looking at my last post dated 31 December 2014 only did I realize that I have neglected my blog for 2 years now. Going through some of my previous posts reminded me the fun I had blogging and why I started it in the first place. It's no point explaining why because it would only be excuses after excuses. So here I am ready to start fresh, fuelled by the good memories of my previous posts and my current determination to blog again.

I've started my food blog titled Fantastic Food and Where To Find Them at the start of 2017. The title was inspired by the movie Fantastic Beasts and Where To Find Them. 

I decided to start my own food blog because I felt cheated by the reviews of many blog sites on one particular restaurant which only resulted in bad food and bad experience, thus spoiling my hubby's birthday celebration. Well, for food stuff, I'll leave it to my other blog.

In these 2 years I've been spending a lot of my time with my family and friends... people who REALLY matter in our life.

Some of the main spices of my life
As I grow older, I learn to accept the fact that sometimes things happen and not everything is in our favour. So instead of wasting my energy being upset, I might as well focus on things that makes me happy. It can be as simple as eating your favourite food to going for a bicycle ride. If reading a book while snuggling up in bed could make you happy and takes your mind off some a**hole at work, do that. 

Time passes irregardless you are happy or sad. So why not choose to spend your time being happy than wasting it on being angry, sad and miserable.

Be mindful with the words that we speak as it may be the last words. What if something happens to your child and your last words to her was... "Why did you dye your hair to this colour?! It looks horrible!" or "Only 2 As? That's not good enough"? I'm sure you'll be banging your head on the wall and wishing that you had said "I love you", "I'm blessed to have a daughter/son like you" or just something good along that line. And as for children, would you rather have "I hate you!", "You are so annoying" or just something unpleasant to be the last words to your parents? Why be so trivial over small matters when we ourselves cannot guarantee that we'll wake up to see tomorrow?

What I'm trying to say here is that we only live once and there's no such thing as rewind and redo. So, don't do or say things that you might regret later. After documenting my 100 Days of Happiness, I learnt that there's definitely one thing in everyday that you can be happy or thankful about. It can be as simple as coming home to the sight of your comfortable bed. And when you focus on that and draw energy from that, it will makes everything else seems unimportant.

For now I'll sign of here and I promise that I'll be back soon... definitely not 2 years later.