A friend is someone who knows all about you and still likes you anyway.
I personally think the above quote is very true. When I consider a person to be my friend, it would mean that I've known quite a bit about this person and has accepted this person for who they are... even the imperfection. Friends do not highlight each other's mistakes. Friends do not use weaknesses against each other. Friends do not judge each other's character.
My friend recently lost a friend due to the silliest reason. After so many years, one decided that he could not accept the character of the other anymore and decided to draw the line. Not only the line was drawn, two hurtful messages were sent as well. As much as it hurts her, it hurts me too coz I'm a friend of both. How is it possible to discard a friend so easily when it's taken years to build the friendship?
Gifts given by friends should never be considered buying their way into a friendship.
When we are offended by the things said or done, we should be outspoken about it if we seek for an apology. We cannot expect that it should be understood by the faces we make. If an apology is not what we seek, we should give ourselves a cooling off period, then proceed to forgive and forget.
Holding on to anger, resentment and hurt only gives you tense muscles, a headache and a sore jaw from clenching your teeth. Forgiveness gives you back the laughter and the lightness in your life.
So, think about it.