Sunday, May 30, 2010

I Need More Time

In a scale of 1 to 10 , I think I'm only a 2 for a blogger. Why? Mainly because of the following reasons:
  • I don't update often... I'm currently very busy with my office work.
  • I constantly run out of ideas to blog...but when I'm inspired, I forgot my camera....
  • there's no specific theme to my blog... a little bit of everything...
  • the amount of traffic I get is pathetic :o(
  • someone else's blog always seem better than mine.
I wish I had more time for myself. I'm always glad when Friday arrives but in a blink of an eye, it's Sunday already. Every Monday morning I would wish I could stay home and do other things, for example, sleep...haha. That's why I really envy those who can work from home.

I dread going to work because I don't have friends there. I have colleagues but no friends. There's no one I could really talk to. I take my breakfast alone every morning and alone during lunch (unless someone from my own department remembered to invite me). So that's the reason why I go home no later than 6pm everyday.

I wonder when will I really start to enjoy my work...*sigh*


Anonymous said...


Well...I think u not the only one who wants more time la....Chill la sister....Im still supporting ur blog...(Coz is the only one i read)...Hahahahahahah


Anonymous said...

Yea. Don't be sad, I read your blog too! =D
Oh, and I knew you'd miss us. >.<
