Monday, August 26, 2019

It's been way too long...

It has been awhile since I wrote something in my blog...

I started this blog when I left my previous job and was sitting at home thinking and planning my next career move. My husband was away for training and I was home alone with too much time in my hands... And that was 10 years ago.

Back then, I just wrote whatever that came to mind and whatever that I wanted to share. 

As time goes by, I slowly forgot why I blog and the joy I found in blogging.

For the past few years, I would always have something in mind that I wanted to share or talk about. But when I start typing my thoughts out, I also started to over think... whether I should share this, whether anyone would even read this... and then, I just saved it in the Draft and never looked at it again.

So before I started this post, I just deleted everything in the draft folder and just typed anyway.

In case you didn't know, I also started a food blog called Fantastic Food and Where To Find Them. Again, I stopped writing elaborate food post in that blog and just shared them on my food Page on FB with the same name.

It's about time that I start to do the things I love again... I hope this post will be a great kickstart for me.

Who cares if no one reads my stuff... it's suppose to be an open diary anyway... for me to read the stuff I wrote before and laugh about it myself.

I will start blogging again... this is a promise I make to myself.

See you soon.